
Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office is partnering in the Polar Plunge to raise money for Special Olympics

By Dave Bishop Feb 28, 2021 | 8:43 AM

Pictured: Otter Tail County Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons

The Polar Plunge is back for the second year in a row. The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office is partnering in this event to raise money for Special Olympics. The goal is to raise $35,000 in 2021. Mark your calendars for March 13th at noon on Otter Tail Lake.

The Polar Plunge is presented by the Law Enforcement Torch Run, a movement of volunteers dedicated to increasing awareness and funds for Special Olympics athletes across the state. Last year 199 plungers on Otter Tail Lake raised $67,000. The money raised accomplishes so much more than getting you to jump into Otter Tail Lake in the winter. The Polar Plunge is the biggest fundraiser for Special Olympics Minnesota. All funds raised by Plungers help Special Olympics Minnesota provide year-round training and services to over 8,100 athletes across the state. For example, a $300 donation provides the necessary equipment for an entire young athlete’s season.

“Due to COVID-19, the event looks a little different this year, but the cause remains the same: supporting Special Olympics,” said Otter Tail County Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons. “In our inaugural event last year, we well exceeded the expectations. I am hoping that even in a time with COVID-19, people will consider joining a team or donating to a team.” Fitzgibbons challenges the public to exceed the goal again this year and looks forward to seeing plungers at the 2nd annual Polar Plunge on March 13th on Ottertail Lake.

Sign up to participate in the Polar Plunge this year and raise the $75.00 minimum to participate, then you are automatically entered to win some cool prizes like a Polaris Indy XC 600 129 snowmobile. Upon check in, and the minimum $75.00 donation, you will receive a special edition T-shirt. Remember, the more you raise the more incentives you will receive.

Safety measures are in place at in-person Plunge sites.

Spectators are asked to please stay home this year unless a Plunger needs assistance or is under the age of 18. If you don’t feel comfortable attending an in-person event you can join the Virtual Jump and earned incentives will be sent to you. Visit plungemn.org/events/virtual/ for ideas of ways to participate in a virtual plunge. Do NOT attempt to jump into a lake, river, or any other body of water for the Virtual Plunge.

So far Otter Tail County has raised $28,542 toward the goal of $35,000. We encourage you to sign up today. You do not have to jump to donate. For more information and to register visit plungemn.org/events/ottertail/