MnDOT is out with its list of 2021 road and bridge construction projects. There are around 200 projects and officials say they will support thousands of jobs across the state.
The list includes significant work on the Twin Ports Interchange in Duluth, the expansion of Highway 14 between Dodge Center and Owatonna and multiple sections of Interstates 35 and 94 in the Twin Cities. MnDOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher said, “although Minnesota’s transportation needs greatly outnumber available resources, this year’s construction program demonstrates MnDOT’s commitment to making s mart investments in our system to better serve all people.”
Highlights of this year’s program in west central Minnesota (MnDOT District 4):
- Resurfacing Highway 87 from Frazee to Becker/Wadena County Line. Project includes 26 miles of resurfacing, widening shoulders between Frazee and Evergreen, and replacing bridge/box culverts east of Frazee.
- Resurfacing Highway 12 from Ortonville to Hwy 59. Project includes 26 miles of resurfacing, shoulder-widening and box culvert replacements, as well as snow trap improvements.
- Construct overpass at the junction of Highway 29 and Highway 55 near Glenwood. This two-year project includes construction of the overpass, highway realignment and two roundabouts. Work starts in July 2021 on Highway 55, with the construction of the overpass on Highway 29 to be completed in 2022.
Detailed information for projects in specific areas of the state can be found at