
Gun Sanctuary Counties In The Spotlight

By Zakk Daniels Feb 2, 2023 | 2:15 PM

Photo Courtesy of Sanctuarycounties.com

For those that are not familiar with the term “Sanctuary Counties”, It means local government, and law enforcement refuse to appropriate resources to enforce unconstitutional restrictions on the right to keep and bears arms, and that they will use all legal means to protect their citizens 2nd Amendment Rights.

Also known as a gun sanctuary, they are counties that have put in place specific legislation stating they will not enforce some or all federal gun safety laws.

The legislation is often called, “Constitutional Sanctuary,” “Bill of Rights Sanctuary”, “Second Amendment Preservation Act,”.

Examples of the resolutions include the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance in Oregon and the Second Amendment Protection Act in Kansas.

The term “sanctuary” draws its inspiration from the immigration sanctuary cities movement of jurisdictions that have resolved to not assist federal enforcement of immigration laws against illegal aliens.

Ottertail County has yet to take a side on the matter. Wadena County as well as Becker County and Todd County are all now considered “Sanctuary Counties”, protecting their citizens right to keep and bear arms.

Minnesota has yet to make a decision as a whole and only 16 counties have acted independently from the state level passing legislation.

17 out of 87 counties have adopted Second Amendment sanctuary

After reaching out to the Ottertail County Board of Commissions, for their input on the matter. The response was that Commissioners have addressed the issue with their constituents and this was their statement

“The Ottertail County Commissioner’s oath of office has sworn allegiance to the entire U.S. Constitution; I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, and all local ordinances, and that I will faithfully and impartially perform and discharge the duties of my office in accordance to the law and to the best of my ability.”, and The Otter Tail County Board is responsible for ensuring that a range of services are available to the residents of the county, in accordance with state and federal laws and our own mission and mandates.”

They continued with, “We limit our governing board actions to the provision of these services in collaboration with our community, state and federal partners. Our practice is to issue proclamations or adopt resolutions if the topic of those actions is directly related to our budget or the provision of programs and services. We will act only on issues that directly pertain to our budget, programs and services and do not exceed our authority as a local unit of government in the State of Minnesota.” The Commissioners had no further comments.

Becker County Sheriff Todd Glander briefly commented,

“The Becker County Board of Commissioner signed a Resolution in support of the Second Amendment, but did not title it as a Sanctuary County”.

Pat Oman, The Becker County Administrator shared the Board of Commissioners’ Resolution 04-21-2D which was adopted April 20th 2021, part of which stated,

“WHEREAS, Becker County Commissions wish to express opposition to any proposed legislation that would restrict the constitutional rights of the citizens of Becker County to keep and bear arms”

Wadena County Administrator Ryan Odden stated,

“The County commissioners did not become a sanctuary county, but rather signed legislation saying they were in support of Wadena County being a Second Amendment Dedicated County”

KBRF Radio reached out to The Board of Commissioners in Todd County, but received no response.

On April 22, 2021, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum signed HB 1383, which limits enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of federal firearms laws enacted after January 1, 2021, that are more restrictive than state law.

On April 26, 2021, Burgum also signed a proclamation which designated North Dakota as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary State.”

In the US 61.39% of all counties are a protected pro-2nd Amendment bills, resolutions, ordinances at either a state or a county level, and that number has increased dramatically since 2021.

1,930 counties are protected by the Second Amendment Sanctuary legislation at either a county or state level.

Specifically pertaining to Minnesota’s Counties that are “Sanctuary Counties”, There are currently County Level 2A Sanctuary / Pro 2A Resolution, meaning that the 17 Counties in Minnesota have passed resolution, ordinance, preservation act, or another form of declaration in support of the 2nd Amendment or are covered is support of the 2nd Amendment or area covered by a similar legislation at the state level are a County Level 2A Sanctuary Counties, meaning they are declaring Second Amendment Dedicated.