
Artificial Intelligence Software is Here

By Zakk Daniels Feb 24, 2023 | 1:09 PM

  OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been making waves in the world of artificial intelligence and natural language processing since its creation.

As a large language model, ChatGPT has been trained to converse with humans in a way that is both natural and informative.

Its ability to understand and respond to natural language has been a major breakthrough in the field of AI, and has led to many exciting applications.

ChatGPT’s creation was a collaborative effort between a team of AI researchers and developers at OpenAI.

Using a massive dataset of text, the team was able to train the model to understand the nuances of human language and respond in a way that is both informative and engaging.

The model has since been refined and improved, with additional data and training to make it even more effective.

One of the most exciting applications of ChatGPT has been in the field of customer service.

Many companies have implemented the model as a way to provide fast, efficient, and accurate responses to customer inquiries.

With its ability to understand natural language, ChatGPT can quickly and easily respond to customer questions and concerns, improving customer satisfaction and reducing response times.

Another exciting use of ChatGPT is in the field of education.

The model can be used to answer student questions and provide personalized feedback, making it an effective tool for online learning.

Its ability to understand natural language also makes it a valuable resource for individuals who are learning a new language, as it can help them to practice their skills and improve their comprehension.

Overall, ChatGPT is an exciting breakthrough in the field of AI and natural language processing.

Its ability to understand and respond to natural language has led to many exciting applications, and its potential for future development is truly limitless.

As more companies and individuals discover the power of ChatGPT, it is likely that we will see even more innovative and exciting applications emerge in the years to come.





The Article above, that you just read is one that was written by ChatGPT, with the news-writer (Zakk Daniels) prompting the AI software with keywords and information in order for it to write a news article about itself from the perspective of the writer.

Awe inspiring and a little terrifying, how this experiment has showcased the amazing abilities of the AI program.

Such a powerful tool shows vast and nearly limitless potential for use in many different fields across the globe, it does raise concerns about the ethical implications of AI like ChatGPT.

Additionally, concerns about the use of AI chat-bots in job displacement, as they may replace human workers in certain industries, leading to job loss.


Administration Kennedy Secondary Middle School Assistant Principal Jon Steinbrenner, shared his thoughts on the topic in a brief interview with News Talk 1250 KBRF,

“I think we can utilize it as a tool from a professional standpoint of just streamlining communication.”

“its nice tool for the purpose of communication”…

Steinbrenner continued,

“It’s extremely powerful from the standpoint of teachers, who require as part of their course, writing on a person or place or a review of a piece of literature.


When asked about what he thought about ChatGPT’s potential for educators as well as students. Jon said,

“I think it’s an opportunity for educators and society to pivot to a degree and simply say, now here’s a new tool at our disposal… how do we do it?”

“Use of it I think is less about the knowledge at your disposal, but rather, How are you applying that information? For example, if I have the basis of a thought or idea, but have a tool that will help me articulate that more clearly and efficiently, I think its equal parts opportunity, coupled with the idea of there going to need to be there’s a level of transparency here that were going to have to work through”


Overall, while ChatGPT has the potential to transform various industries, it is important to consider the possible negative side effects.

As we continue to develop and improve AI, it is crucial to address these concerns and work towards solutions that prioritize ethics, fairness, and human interaction.


In closing, no matter how you feel about ChatGPT, we have monumental duty to learn as much as we can and scrutinize from a scientific and educational point of view.

We should research, develop and learn as much as possible about Chat GPT and similar programs.

When it comes to artificial intelligence it is this writer’s opinion, that as we move into the future and technology continues to advance as it always does.

The possibility that artificial general Intelligence or sentient AI being created may be a reality one day soon, and that thought-provoking idea only brings one quote comes to mind.


As Voltaire from the 1700s and our beloved comic book hero Spider-Man from 1962 Amazing Fantasy Issue # 15, have said,

“With great power, comes great responsibility”.