
White Earth Tribe Holding Birth Ceremony Fires in Detroit Lakes

By Derek Sidian Apr 12, 2024 | 6:38 AM

Members of the White Earth Tribe will be holding Birth Ceremony Fires on the north end of the Essentia St. Mary’s Hospital parking lot in Detroit Lakes, possibly as soon as this weekend.

This is a sacred ceremony for their culture.

All requirements for city ordinance, state statute and fire safety have been met.

Below is some information from the White Earth Tribal members about Birth Fires:

The Birth Fire is lit to acknowledge the spirit coming to this physical world from the spirit world.

The fire is used to offer Asemaa/tobacco to pray for a safe birth.

Family and relatives come to the sacred fire to honor the life coming to the family and into the world.

• The Birth Fire is lit when a mother is in evident labor, by the male family figures.

• Once the fire is lit, the male family figures tend to the fire, keeping it going.

• The Birth Fire stays lit until after the baby is born, and until the time is across the clock.

• Example: if baby is born at 6am, the fire is fed until 6pm and then left to burn out on it’s own.