
Fergus Falls Man Injures Officer While Resisting Arrest Downtown

By Derek Sidian Jun 19, 2024 | 3:14 PM

Joseph Andrew Cross (OTCDF)

Fergus Falls, MN – 62-year-old Joseph Andrew Cross was arrested at around 7:42 Monday evening (June 17th) after resisting arrest in downtown Fergus Falls.

According to court documents, the arresting officer witnessed a man get off a bike and climb into Cross’ vehicle, which promptly took off from the lot it was parked in.

The officer attempted to follow the vehicle and noted that the window tint was too dark.

The vehicle drove across multiple streets, which the officer noted seemed similar to evasive maneuvers.

After driving a couple blocks around, the vehicle parked on the street next to the lot it had left from, and dropped the other man off, who ran to his bike, mounted, and took off at a high rate of speed, as the officer initiated a traffic stop on Cross’ vehicle.

Cross told the officer that he had come from his residence and was returning there, and when the officer asked if he had made any stops before the traffic stop, Cross claimed he hadn’t and that he hadn’t had contact with anyone.

He then told the officer that he was going to Perham, and when the officer asked why, Cross asked if that was important.

The officer then inquired about the bicyclist, and Cross said that he had picked him up and brought him where he wanted to go.

As Cross was talking to the officer, he allegedly kept reaching to his side, appearing to manipulate an object out of the view of the officer, and was told to keep his hands visible.

When Cross eventually made his hands not visible to the officer, he was told to exit the vehicle, which he refused.

Cross became agitated and started manipulating an object behind his back and side, near where one might keep a firearm or other weapon, so the officer began to reach into the car to grab him and continued to command him to exit the vehicle.

After the officer pulled Cross out of the vehicle, Cross pulled away from him and continued reaching where he had before.

The officer told Cross to stop resisting, and after more attempts at getting away from the officer, was escorted to the ground and placed under arrest.

Cross continued to push off the ground against the officer until additional FFPD personnel arrived to assist.

In the area Cross was resisting, officers found a baggie of what would later be confirmed to be 3.5 grams of methamphetamine.

The officer went to the emergency room, where it was confirmed that his fibula had been broken, as well as multiple scrapes against his skin.

Cross faces Felony charges of Obstructing the Legal Process with Force and Possession of Methamphetamine.

His first court appearance is tomorrow (June 20th).