
The City of Fergus Falls is Asking City Residents to Limit Their Water Usage.

By Dave Bishop Aug 26, 2024 | 3:23 PM

With the rainfall that inundated the region Monday afternoon, the City of Fergus Falls is asking city resident to limit their water usage.

City of Fergus Falls Public Works Director Len Taylor stated; “The system is taxed it’s maxing out right now. Our sanitary sewer (system) does receive storm water into storm manhole covers, it is really maxing out our plant out on the west side of town. We’re asking all the residents to limit their water use, no laundry and minimal flushing however that works for a household.” Taylor continued to ask resident to do “just anything you can do to not use as much water as you typically would in a regular day.”

The water treatment plant on the west side of Fergus Falls is maxing out at about 7 1/2 million gallons right now, and Taylor stated: “We can’t go any higher at this point. If we do we potentially could have an overflow to the river and then we have problems. It’s pretty critical and just asking people to please limit your water use.”

Director Taylor said the city is, “asking for people to limit (water) up until tomorrow morning, so hopefully (the plant) will catch up and then tomorrow morning you can wake up do your normal routines.”

This is breaking news check back for further updates.