
Robert Lahman Sworn in as Otter Tail County Commissioner

By Dave Bishop Jan 3, 2023 | 11:40 AM

Otter Tail County welcomed Robert Lahman to the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Lahman was newly elected in November and will serve District 4 for a four-year term.

Lahman grew up in Eastern Township near Parkers Prairie. He graduated from Parkers Prairie High School and attended Alexandria Technical College in the Diesel Mechanic Program. Upon graduation, he continued to farm with his father. He held elected office on the Eastern Township Board for twenty-three years. Lahman has been a business owner in Parkers Prairie managing Prairie Auto Service and NAPA Auto Parts stores.

“I am looking forward to working with the people of Otter Tail County,” Lahman remarked. “My goals include advocating for infrastructure resources from the State and promoting County services to people in my district and county-wide.”

Otter Tail County is divided into five districts. District 4 represents six communities including Parkers Prairie, Henning, New York Mills, and Ottertail as well as 16 townships in the southeast portion of the county. As a member of the board, he will participate in board meetings, serve on internal and external committees and work on behalf of his constituents. Commissioners are responsible for examining and setting budgets, policies, and many other functions of county government.

Nicole Hansen, County Administrator welcomed in-coming Commissioner Lahman. “Congratulations to Commissioner Lahman, who will represent District 4 citizens.  As a past township official and business owner, he brings local government leadership and private sector experiences that will benefit all of Otter Tail County’s residents.  He has begun meeting with staff to learn more about county government and challenging issues.  We all look forward to working with Commissioner Lahman.”

Commissioner Lahman will serve District 4 and may be contacted at 320-766-6426 or blahman@co.ottertail.mn.us.  For information about which county commissioner represents you, please visit ottertailcountymn.us/board-of-commissioners/ and click on “Who is my commissioner?”