
Half of Minnesotans Want to Keep Old Flag as New Flag is Officially Instated

By Derek Sidian May 13, 2024 | 5:36 AM

New Minnesota State Flag (Minnesota Secretary of State's Office)

St. Paul, MN – As the new state flag flies over the Minnesota Capitol, a just-released survey by a conservative think tank finds 52 percent of Minnesotans say the state should have kept the old one, and 16 percent say the new design should be different.

Center of the American Experiment President John Hinderaker acknowledges opposition to the new flag “kinda died down” at the State Capitol, but he says the survey is emblematic of what happened in the 2023 legislative session, where the legislature did a lot of things that he says did not have a lot of public support.

Democrats say they made significant investments to help average Minnesotans and strengthen the state’s future.