
WCA Education Foundation Receives Pledge of $500,000 for Academic Enrichment Fund

By Derek Sidian Sep 18, 2024 | 9:17 AM

InVEST in WCA Campaign

Barrett, MN – The West Central Area (WCA) Education Foundation has received a pledge of $500,000 from the Wedum Foundation towards their Invest in WCA campaign.

The Invest in WCA (#inVESTinWCA) campaign fundraising goal  is to reach $500,000 in donations from local businesses and individual supporters.  A successful Invest in WCA campaign, which is set to end fall 2024, will bring the Foundation to the halfway mark of their overall $1 million goal. The Wedum Foundation has pledged to match up to $500,000, which would allow for that goal to be accomplished. The money fundraised will go towards the establishment of the WCA Education Foundation’s Academic Enrichment Fund.

The $1 million Academic Enrichment Fund will enhance curriculum, augment student excellence, and broaden thinking to prepare WCA students for successful futures. The Academic Enrichment Fund is an endowment fund, meaning the principal investment will remain in perpetuity, while the annual interest from the investment will be used for enhancing educational opportunities at WCA.

The Education Foundation’s “InVEST in WCA” campaign debuted last February and since then, the Foundation is thankful to have received over $250,000 in donations and pledges from individuals and business.

The WCA Education Foundation is recognizing the Wedum Foundation’s $500,000 pledge at the WCA Homecoming football game this Friday (September 20th).